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Eating Fast Food Healthily

Posted by Jutawan Tuesday, October 26, 2010 0 comments

Too busy to eat properly? or craving for a certain junk food? but worried about the effects of fast food to your diet?

If you answered yes to at least one of the above, Here's a list of what you can do:

  • Small Portion: Get the kids meal or buy it ala carte.
  • Bakery/Deli: Find outlets that serve tortilla wraps or wheat bread sandwiches as alternative to greasy foods.
  • Dessert: get a combo with vegetables and fruits salad as a side order.
  • Meat: get it grilled.
  • Snack: Make a habit of eating a portion of fruits before going out. This makes you feel full and avoids unhealthy snacks along the way.
  • Snacks stash: Stock your handbag or car with bottled water and healthy snacks.
  • Supermart: Change your strategy. Go to your local mart for a cup of low fat yogurt and a slice of fresh papaya's as an alternative to fast food.
  • Say no to mayonnaise: No means NO. Geddit?
  • Warm water: Get this whenever you eat out. It makes you feel full earlier.
  • Leftover: Feel guilty when you see leftovers? Follow step 1!!!

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Noni can help you from obesity!

Posted by Jutawan Tuesday, October 12, 2010 0 comments

If you feel tired, gain weight faster, and fail to do any exercise in your life, then you should

Read this!

For centuries, people in the South Pacific have used noni (Morinda citrifolia) to treat a number of health issues, from high blood pressure to headaches.
Today, there is promising research on noni's possible role in treating breast and colon cancer. Initial studies show that the tropical fruit may deter disease development and tumor growth. Currently, the National Institutes of Health is working to pinpoint noni's cancer-fighting abilities in a Phase I clinical trial--done to determine a treatment's safety, side effects, correct dosage and how the body responds to the treatment.

There is evidence that suggests noni could battle obesity as well. Neil Solomon, MD, PhD, author of numerous books on noni, including Noni Juice: How Much, How Often, For What, surveyed 1,227 health professionals who represented more than 25,314 noni juice drinkers from 80 countries. "Of the 5,526 people who drank noni juice to help with weight problems, 72 percent reported that they lost weight," he says.

Solomon found that people who lost weight with noni drank 2 1/2 oz. (5 Tbs.) of the juice per day. He recommends these general guidelines for adults: Begin with a testing dose of 1 tsp. of noni before breakfast and 1 tsp. before dinner for 3 days to make sure there aren't any adverse reactions (see below). If you don't have problems with it, jump to 4 Tbs. twice a day for a month. For the next 5 months, take 4 Tbs. before breakfast and 2 Tbs. before dinner, and then move to a maintenance dose of 2 Tbs. twice a day for as long as you want.

There are a few possible side effects from taking noni. Some people may experience rare allergic reactions, and noni's high potassium content can be problematic for people with kidney disease. As always, check with your health care provider before taking any new supplement. Then you can feel good about making noni part of your resolution regimen. Here's to a healthy life!

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Explore The Miracles of Noni

Posted by Jutawan Sunday, October 10, 2010 0 comments

Explore the benefits of


Towards your Health

Noni is a miraculous herbs..

The fruits origin

Noni (Morinda citrifolia) is assumed to have originated in Southeast Asia and was distributed throughout the Pacific islands by natural and man-made means. It is believed that approximately 2000 years ago, ancient peoples of French Polynesia brought the noni plant with them as a source of food and medicine when they colonized the islands of the South Pacific. Written documentation about the use of noni as food dates back to the late 1700s when Captain James Cook observed that the fruit was consumed in Tahiti. Subsequent publications indicate that noni fruit was commonly eaten in Fiji, Roratonga, Samoa, Australia, and India.

When it comes to health, choose Noni!

Noni contain essential biological components which help regulate our physical health. It also helps to regulate the blood circulation in the body, lowering the blood sugar level, and increase the body immunization system. The blood circulates better and this increase the oxygen transfer rate to the body organs which cause energy synthesis in biochemical pathways more efficient.


What is Xeronine?

Xeronine is seen as essential for cell functions. Xeronine acts on protein and increases the energy needed for mechanical, chemical and electrical work in each cell. Because of xeronine’s function on proteins it explains why Noni has a wide range of applications in the human body.

Serotonin and Proxeroninase as shown in the diagram are critical part of the Xeronine system. Proxeroninase is a lysozyme enzyme.

By consuming Noni it helps our body normalise the function of damaged and sick cells thereby facilitating their repair by delivering proxeronine, the cells then assemble into the alkaloid Xeronine. Xeronine affects the cells positively making you “feel healthier”. This healing action of Xeronine is an adaptogen, it goes to places in the body where cell function is abnormal or damaged.

They work to maintain, and for the betterment of your health!

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Cuba Try Test Ni

Golden Noni (710 ml) RM 68 sahaja! Golden Noni (30ml x 9) RM 30 sahaja! Nona Manja (250ml) RM 38 sahaja! Malaysian Noni (500ml) RM60 sahaja! Silver Noni (250ml) RM 38.00 sahaja!

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