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For centuries, people in the South Pacific have used noni (Morinda citrifolia) to treat a number of health issues, from high blood pressure to headaches.
Today, there is promising research on noni's possible role in treating breast and colon cancer. Initial studies show that the tropical fruit may deter disease development and tumor growth. Currently, the National Institutes of Health is working to pinpoint noni's cancer-fighting abilities in a Phase I clinical trial--done to determine a treatment's safety, side effects, correct dosage and how the body responds to the treatment.
There is evidence that suggests noni could battle obesity as well. Neil Solomon, MD, PhD, author of numerous books on noni, including Noni Juice: How Much, How Often, For What, surveyed 1,227 health professionals who represented more than 25,314 noni juice drinkers from 80 countries. "Of the 5,526 people who drank noni juice to help with weight problems, 72 percent reported that they lost weight," he says.
Solomon found that people who lost weight with noni drank 2 1/2 oz. (5 Tbs.) of the juice per day. He recommends these general guidelines for adults: Begin with a testing dose of 1 tsp. of noni before breakfast and 1 tsp. before dinner for 3 days to make sure there aren't any adverse reactions (see below). If you don't have problems with it, jump to 4 Tbs. twice a day for a month. For the next 5 months, take 4 Tbs. before breakfast and 2 Tbs. before dinner, and then move to a maintenance dose of 2 Tbs. twice a day for as long as you want.
There are a few possible side effects from taking noni. Some people may experience rare allergic reactions, and noni's high potassium content can be problematic for people with kidney disease. As always, check with your health care provider before taking any new supplement. Then you can feel good about making noni part of your resolution regimen. Here's to a healthy life!