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Eating Fast Food Healthily

Posted by Jutawan Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Too busy to eat properly? or craving for a certain junk food? but worried about the effects of fast food to your diet?

If you answered yes to at least one of the above, Here's a list of what you can do:

  • Small Portion: Get the kids meal or buy it ala carte.
  • Bakery/Deli: Find outlets that serve tortilla wraps or wheat bread sandwiches as alternative to greasy foods.
  • Dessert: get a combo with vegetables and fruits salad as a side order.
  • Meat: get it grilled.
  • Snack: Make a habit of eating a portion of fruits before going out. This makes you feel full and avoids unhealthy snacks along the way.
  • Snacks stash: Stock your handbag or car with bottled water and healthy snacks.
  • Supermart: Change your strategy. Go to your local mart for a cup of low fat yogurt and a slice of fresh papaya's as an alternative to fast food.
  • Say no to mayonnaise: No means NO. Geddit?
  • Warm water: Get this whenever you eat out. It makes you feel full earlier.
  • Leftover: Feel guilty when you see leftovers? Follow step 1!!!


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